Shocking Truths: Tommy’s Father’s Lime Green Ford Falcon XA Superbird – Amazing Vintage Cars

Introduction about Ford Falcon XA

“Tommy’s father bought a lime green Ford Falcon XA Superbird in 1973 as his first car. The Superbird became the family car and was used daily until it was rolled into a ditch by Tommy’s father, Paul, who had no car insurance to cover the accident damage.” This may seem like a tragic tale of a once-beloved car that was left to rot and rust away in a farmyard, but it’s actually a story of passion, dedication, and perseverance. In 2013, Tommy made the bold decision to bring his father’s old car back to life, embarking on an epic restoration project that would span several years. Despite not having the necessary mechanical skills, Tommy took on the role of project manager, enlisting the help of enthusiasts and professionals alike to source the rare parts and expertise needed to restore the car to its former glory. In this article, we’ll delve into the details of Tommy’s remarkable journey, from the challenges he faced to the triumphs he achieved, and how he eventually succeeded in reviving his father’s beloved lime green Ford Falcon XA Superbird.

The Restoration Journey – Ford Falcon XA

One of the biggest challenges Tommy faced in restoring his father’s car was sourcing the rare parts that were needed to complete the project. The Ford XA Coupé parts are notoriously rare and scarce, making it difficult to find the necessary components. Undeterred, Tommy turned to the online community, joining car enthusiast forums and Facebook groups to enlist the help of fellow enthusiasts in tracking down the parts he needed. Through his tireless efforts, Tommy was eventually able to track down most of the parts he needed, including the elusive carburetor and air cleaner assembly. While Tommy was able to source most of the necessary parts, he recognized that he lacked the mechanical expertise to restore the car himself. As a result, he enlisted the help of two professionals, one to work on the engine and the other on the running gear.

Overcoming Challenges – Ford Falcon XA

Despite the progress that was being made, the restoration project was not without its challenges. One of the biggest hurdles was the fact that the car had been left to rust away in a farmyard for over 20 years. As a result, many of the car’s components were severely corroded, making them difficult to remove and replace. Tommy and his team had to resort to some creative solutions to overcome these challenges, such as using penetrating oil to loosen rusted bolts and fabricating custom parts to replace irreparable components. Over the course of several years, Tommy and his team steadily worked on the car, gradually restoring it to its former glory. There were moments of triumph, such as when the car’s engine roared to life for the first time in decades. However, there were also setbacks, such as when the car was damaged during transportation to a new garage. Despite these setbacks, Tommy remained determined to see the project through to the end.

The Restoration Process Ford Falcon XA

Tommy’s decision to restore his father’s lime green Ford Falcon XA Superbird was not an easy one. The car had been left on their farm for approximately 20 years and was in a state of disrepair. However, Tommy was determined to bring the car back to life and honor his father’s memory. Tommy quickly realized that he did not have the skills to restore the car himself. He turned to the internet and joined various car enthusiast forums and Facebook groups to find the rare parts he needed. Ford XA Coupé parts are known to be scarce and difficult to find, but Tommy was persistent in his search. He spent months scouring the internet and reaching out to fellow car enthusiasts. Tommy’s determination paid off when he finally found the parts he needed to restore the car to its former glory. With the parts in hand, Tommy acted as a project manager and entrusted the restoration of the car to two professionals. The engine and running gear were overhauled and restored to their original condition. The exterior and interior were also carefully restored, bringing the car back to its original lime green color.

The Final Product – Ford Falcon XA

After several months of hard work and dedication, Tommy’s father’s lime green Ford Falcon XA Superbird was finally restored. The car looked as good as new and had been given a new lease on life. Tommy’s father would have been proud of the work that his son had put into restoring the car. The car was once again roadworthy and could be driven on the open road. Tommy’s father’s lime green Ford Falcon XA Superbird had become more than just a car. It had become a symbol of family history and tradition. The car had been in the family for over four decades and had seen many memorable moments.The restoration of the car had brought back a flood of memories for Tommy and his family. It had also given them a new appreciation for the hard work and dedication that goes into restoring a classic car.


Tommy’s father’s lime green Ford Falcon XA Superbird had been through a lot. From being the family car to being left in disrepair for 20 years, the car had seen its fair share of ups and downs. But Tommy’s dedication to restoring the car had brought it back to life. The car was once again roadworthy and had been restored to its former glory. The restoration of the car had also brought back memories for Tommy and his family and had given them a new appreciation for the hard work that goes into restoring a classic car. Tommy’s father’s lime green Ford Falcon XA Superbird will forever be a part of their family history and tradition. The car is more than just a car, it is a symbol of the memories and traditions that have been passed down from generation to generation.

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